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What is the correct tension adjustment method for the rewinder? 1. Excessive tension in the winding process can directly lead to the formation of disc or drum shapes in the finished product. 2. Poor roller surface treatment and unreasonable process design of the rewinder result in lateral slipping, wrinkling, and roll detachment on the drum during material cutting, which directly leads to uneven winding. 3. Mechanical failure of the equipment, such as bearing damage to the transmission roller or empty roller wheel causing shaft movement; The dynamic balance accuracy of the roller is too low. 4. Tension system design issue: Matching issues with the tension system can lead to uncontrollable tension, resulting in such situations. 5. The selection of cutting tools: cutting, shearing, pressure cutting, roller cutting and other cutting forms also depend on the characteristics of different materials.

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What is the correct tension adjustment method for the rewinder?
1. Excessive tension in the winding process can directly lead to the formation of disc or drum shapes in the finished product.
2. Poor roller surface treatment and unreasonable process design of the rewinder result in lateral slipping, wrinkling, and roll detachment on the drum during material cutting, which directly leads to uneven winding.
3. Mechanical failure of the equipment, such as bearing damage to the transmission roller or empty roller wheel causing shaft movement; The dynamic balance accuracy of the roller is too low.
4. Tension system design issue: Matching issues with the tension system can lead to uncontrollable tension, resulting in such situations.
5. The selection of cutting tools: cutting, shearing, pressure cutting, roller cutting and other cutting forms also depend on the characteristics of different materials.
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Record number: SuICPBei 19014110 Website construction: Wuxi Wangke
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